Hey everyone! This is another revamp of one of my work. The first art of this character was painted something about a year ago for the Iron Butchers warband: https://www.instagram.com/enter.the.butcher/ Here is the link to the post with the first version of Culsu: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/6bXRxV
Then there had been some progress in my vision and work process and we decided to make another art ot the character. So this post is the result: a character with helmet and without, plus some stages. Here is also some story to make the image more vivid:
Culsu and his Destroyers waited patiently on the remains of a high building overlooking he wasteland. They knew that the last renegade survivors were hiding somewhere and they would not return to the ship before claiming all their skulls. They have been waiting patiently for hours now, fighting the internal struggles against their bloodlust and the pain of the Butcher’s Nails which screamed for murder.
Finlly, a maniple of soldiers emerged from a destroyed facility. Culsu aimed his Volkite Serpentia at one of them, releasing a burst of energy that almost severed the man’s in two. At that moment, the Destroyers descended upon the enemy squad like vultures on carrion, with Culsu leading the charge.
Despite being outnumbered three to one, they were no match for the World Eaters. Chainaxes cut through flesh and bone, and Culsu swung his Rageclaw in a frenzy, harvesting lives at each blow.
In the end, only one man survived. Culsu stopped his men with a gesture and approached the trembling and fearful man, tasting his fear.
“Why did you do that?” asked the man “we spat on the Imperium as you did, we could have been your allies”.
Culsu scoffed at the idea.
“Men are such fragile creatures” said Culsu “They are subordinates, never allies. In some occasions we could have make good use of you. But, unlucky, today the only things you are useful for is your blood and skulls.”
The man tried to rais his laspistol, but Culsu’s claw was faster, and his head rolled on the ground before he could scream.
I hope you enjoyed it!
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