Hey everyone! Some more charcoal practice here. I had another busy month, mostly have been working doing print design which is infinitely more boring then drawing. Spare time I was spending on traditional media. My goal is to master charcoal. It’s intermediate material to the oil paint and it has some of oil’s features. Simple and expressive it perfectly fits for studying forms and value.
I know you might have been waiting for some digital stuff. I have have some projects finished like 99% percent, they only require few more touches, and I couldn’t make these final steps been busy or tired. I hope you’ll enjoy my charcoal while I’m finishing some digital artworks.

When I’ll feel more confident with charcoal I plan to paint some 40k fan art with this media and see how it will look like. Plus I really want to level up my academic skills in still life, portrait and anatomy. Perhaps to paint some animals. These are the plans. Have fun! See you soon

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Like my work? Feel free to contact me ✉ for your personalized piece of art anytime!