Hi everybody! Today I have another special piece of art to show you in collaboration with the Iron Butchers: https://www.instagram.com/enter.the.butcher/ We’ve seen plenty of art and video how space marines are served and prepared for a battle. All these are about loyal astartes. Correct me, but I’ve never seen an art where renegades or chaos marines are served. It may be some of them no need such procedure as they fused with their armor. But I think there are warbands and space marines which are less corrupted by chaos and still needed this service every once in a while. So we thought it would be interesting to imagine how ironclading could look like for ChSM. And today I’m happy to show you the result along with the small description below. Pls have fun!

The Story *The armoring chamber air was thick with the smell of smoke, oil, and the sweat of both humans and Astartes: the first was almost reassuring with its familiarity, while the second triggered a primordial sense of danger in the human brain, with its unusual combination of chemical and bestial.

Tarraco has just finished attending the armoring process of Kerrah, the World Eater, which was now being presented with his weapons, oiled and ready, and was now welding together some plates of Iron Warrior Odross armor. Unlikely what Tarraco imagined the armoring within a Chapter of Astartes loyal to the Emperor could be, this was not a ritualized and standardized process.

art of warhammer40k by brushray

Despite their opposition to physical mutations, and so their few amounts of them, not two Marines were identical within the Iron Butchers Warband, and their equipment was similarly unique. The armors could be new or old, whole or patched with parts of power armors of different patterns, and the body of the marine was even more unique. Kerrah skin, as an example, was blessed by Khorne and turned into a callous hide as thick as grox’s skin that used to regenerate so fast that the power armor’s connections on his chest were covered in skin between the battles, this required the serfs…or slaves…to cut open the plugs each time with scalpels and drills, minding not damaging the port below.

Odross, on the other hand, has connection cables forever fused to his plugs, so the power armor needed to be connected to the cables, instead of directly to the body of the Marine. His armour also needed to be welded in place at more than one point, as the different MK pattern didn’t fit properly and couldn’t be just simply put together.

art of warhammer40k by brushray

Tarraco had to remember and replicate the exact process for each Marine he was in charge of and replicate it without any error. The armoring servitors, forever imprisoned in the wall’s alcoves, were a grim reminder of the fate that awaited those who failed to attend to their duty flawlessly.*

I’m open for art commissions and happy to paint something for you. For more details PM/DM me or visit: https://artbrushray.github.io/

Also you can help this art trending on Artstation with your likes, I would be much grateful: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/obAJOw Soon will be more art! Have fun! Cheers!

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